About Us
Raising a complaint
Our staff and volunteers work hard to get things right but, as with any busy service, mistakes and problems can happen. You may feel uneasy in voicing a concern or complaint, fearing that the future care you or your loved one receives may be affected. We would like to reassure you that all comments, concerns and complaints will be viewed positively. Here at Treetops, we will take your concerns seriously and deal with them quickly, keeping you informed throughout. You have the right to:
- Make a complaint or raise a concern
- Be listened to with understanding, courtesy and empathy
- Have your complaint investigated speedily, impartially and professionally
- Be informed of the result of the investigation
What to do if you have a concern or reason to complain
Whenever possible please raise concerns at the time. You can discuss concerns or complaints with any staff member in person or over the phone. Staff receiving a verbal complaint will listen to the details and explain that they will discuss the issues raised with their Line Manager. All concerns will be documented and dealt with according to our Complaints Policy and Procedure. We recognise that by learning from things that go wrong, we can improve our care for all families.
What to do if you have a concern or reason to complain about the Treetops Lottery?
If you have a concern or complaint about the Treetops Lottery, please raise it by following the guidance on our Lottery Complaints page.