Payroll giving allows anyone who pays UK income tax to give regularly and on a tax free basis to Treetops Hospice. Read more about payroll giving It’s free of charge to sign up through Giving Online and it’s quick and easy too – go to Giving Online and add your details. Once it’s set up, the donation is taken automatically each time you get paid, so you don’t even have to think about it. Payroll giving is a great way to support Treetops because it’s a regular donation, easy to give and it’s tax free. The donation is taken from your gross pay so for every £1 you give, it only costs you 80p, or 60p for higher rate tax payers (the taxman pays the rest!)
“Regular donations, such as payroll giving, are so important to Treetops because the regular income means we can plan ahead.”
– Adela Appleby, Head of Community Relationships