
How professionals can refer patients to our Hospice at Home Service.

Our Hospice at Home Service is for patients with a prognosis of six months or less.

Hospice at Home

Our Registered Nurses and Healthcare Assistants can provide one-to-one nursing care overnight, from 10pm to 7am.

Roaming Nurse Service

Our Roaming Nurse Service is available from 9.30pm to 6.30am.

Our Roaming Service consists of a Registered Nurse and a Healthcare Assistant. They visit patients referred to our Treetops Hospice at Home Service who require symptom management, or aspects of care overnight.

To make a referral

Our Hospice at Home coordination team is available to take referrals from clinicians from Monday to Friday, 7.30am to 5pm. Please call us on  0115 949 6940.

For Urgent Referrals

For patients who are:

  • symptomatic
  • AND require an urgent referral in the evening or during the weekend
  • Please call 0115 949 6940 to access our out-of-hours contact details 

Support for patients during the day

If your patient requires support during the day, please contact our Wellbeing Team to see what support is available.