Woman in pink suit smiling in front of Treetops memory Tree

Treetops is celebrating national Make a Will Month in October by sharing free advice on making a Will and the importance of leaving a legacy.

Making a Will is a way of ensuring your loved ones are taken care of in the future and ensuring that your estate and possessions can be distributed as you wish. It gives peace of mind and security for you and those you love.

Supporting Treetops with a Gift in your Will

Leaving a financial gift to the hospice is quick and easy to do. Hazel Reed, from Stapleford, (pictured above) talked about writing her own Will:

“I'm single with no children so when I made a Will last year, I had to decide what I was going to do. I didn't just want to leave a gift to a huge, national charity.

I think it's really important to support a local charity. I didn’t hesitate in leaving Treetops money.

“Leaving a gift was such an easy thing to do. I just went to a local solicitor and said ‘Treetops’, and that's it.

It’s wonderful to know I’ve left a legacy for the hospice. I can't take it with me, so I’m leaving money to help with end-of-life care and bereavement counselling for other people.”

Leaving a legacy for future care

Up to two in five Treetops Hospice at Home patients are cared for through a gift in a Will.

Julie Walker, Treetops Legacy and In Memoriam Relationships Manager, explained more:

Woman smiling in Treetops t-shirt standing
Julie Walker, Treetops Legacy and In Memoriam Relationships Manager

After looking after your loved ones, it would be wonderful if you would consider leaving Treetops a gift. You may feel that the amount you can afford to leave is too small but a legacy of any value makes a big difference to the charity and helps us fund hospice care.

“It may be surprising to know that most of our legacies are less than £5,000. Last year, the total amount of these together could have provided 152 nights of end-of-life nursing care for patients at home, and support for their families.”

Free support to make or amend a Will

Treetops offers a range of free support to those interested in writing or amending a Will. This includes a free Online Will service and free 30-minute appointments at Wills Clinics. A list of local solicitors who offer preferential rates for Treetops supporters is also available on request. 

Those who let Treetops Hospice know they are leaving a gift receive a special lapel pin as a gesture of thanks and are invited to special events.

Those who leave the charity a gift in their Will are remembered with a gold leaf on the hospice’s unique Memory Tree.

Treetops Hospice In Memory tree
Treetops Memory Tree

Further advice and guidance on Wills can be found on a special blog written by Julie. Alternatively, please contact Julie for more information at julie@treetops.org.uk or call  07769 318433.