Therapeutic Services
Children's Counselling and Emotional Support
The service is available for children and young people dealing with bereavement that are users of Treetops Hospice services and people registered with a GP practice in Derby city, Southern Derbyshire or Erewash
Just like adults, children and young people who have been bereaved may find themselves struggling with a powerful range of emotions. It’s important to remember that everyone grieves in their own unique way. There are many different feelings and emotions that a grieving child might experience.
There are a few ways in which Treetops can help; click below to read our blog on supporting children following the death of a loved one; Request our free booklet designed to help support a child who has been bereaved, or contacting our team for further information.
Impact of a bereavement
Grieving children and young people may start behaving differently. Often there may be problems with school, sleep, feelings of anger and anxiety, and family relationships.
Hear more about what Treetops counselling is like as a young person from Harvey, one of our former clients:
Learning to live with loss
With support and information, children and young people can be helped to understand what has happened. They can learn to live with their loss.
The service is available to children (7-18) registered with a GP practice in Derby City, Erewash or the southern Derbyshire area. The service is also available to those who have used our services
“Counselling is about getting to a point where you can deal with it yourself and with your own tools, with your family around you”
– Harvey
Who can we help
The bereavement may have occurred at any time in the past. Many of our referrals are in relation to unexpected and/or traumatic bereavement.
The service is available for as long as the child, or young person need them in relation to dealing with their loss. Once sessions end there is always the possibility of taking up further support should the need arise.
Our team of qualified counsellors, student counsellors and trained bereavement support volunteers offer:
- Sessions with children and young people to help them explore their grief and any related problems, as well as communication and sharing emotions
- Support to parents/carers in terms of understanding and responding to their child’s grief
We have three well-equipped rooms for therapeutic work with children and teenagers.
“I have noticed a positive change in my daughter. I feel that by contacting you I have given her the extra support she needed at the time she needed it.”
– Parent/carer
How it works
All services are provided free of charge, and are not means-tested.
The service is available to all users of our services and people registered with a GP practice in Derby city, Erewash or Southern Derbyshire.
Initial contact can be made by professionals, family members, or by children and young people themselves.
Please phone us on 0115 949 6944 during our opening hours (8.30am-4pm Monday-Thursday, 8.30am-3.30pm Friday).
We will arrange an assessment with you, at which the most appropriate form of support for you can be discussed.